Dessert Menus

1. Bay dom neib: Mango sticky rice palm sugar
This is simple dessert, made from the two most common Khmer ingredients, rice and palm sugar, can be found in markets throughout the country. There is another version that has an oblong shape and is filled with sweet of mango & palm sugar.

2. Flembé: Banana passion fruit flembé, honey
This simple dessert, made from the two most common Khmer ingredients, banana and passion fruit, can be found in markets throughout the country. There is another version that has an oblong shape and is filled with sweet yellow banana passion & honey that has so delicious scents..

3. Nhoam angko’t skor: Sticky rice dupling palm
This simple dessert, made from the two most common Khmer ingredients, rice and palm sugar, can be found in markets throughout the country. There is another version that has an oblong shape and is filled with sweet palm sugar.